New "Explanation of Benefits" Style Explained
COMING SOON: We have improved the Explanation of Benefits for our HDS members. You will notice we've simplified the format and descriptions of each claim or service you received from your dentist or specialist. If you have any questions about your EOB, please contact our HDS Customer Service team at (808) 529-9248.
Please note the following changes:
- Larger fonts with the use of green for the online version of the EOB.
- Totals for the "Submitted Amount," "Other Insurance," "HDS Payment," and "Patient Share" are displayed prominently at the top. The HDS Plan Benefit and Other Plan Benefit columns have been removed.
- The Procedure Code and Treatment Site columns were combined into a single column called "Submitted Service."
- The Expl Code column has been moved after the Submitted Service column and can display up to 4 explanation codes. The old EOB can only display 1 explanation code.
- Positioning of the Prevent Fraud language has moved to the bottom of the page.
- The non-discrimination and language assistance page appears at the end of each EOB.